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A member registered Dec 27, 2022

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yeah later on with the help of one of the lovelies i managed to get my full outfit from my koi model designed ^w^ 

(here's the result)

i actually found a way to clear two of my suggestions, both the tanlines and eye gradient i was able to do with the tools already available after some further fenagling with the object tool and a paint program (shown here) it might not be terribly clean when getting in SUPER close at least with the tanline but that's partly on me, but there's a lot i could get away with that i wasn't originally sure of, my only suggestions now are the arms holding up the censor bar(s) and maybe a way to paste items to sections easier? like being able to paste things to the back hair easier? just thoughts of a goofy fox really enjoying this ^w^

oh hey i'm not the dev, but to add your own item click the little potato mascot that's in the little box in the top and you will be able to upload images and attach them by right clicking when you're holding left click over the thing you wanna attach it to even eyes ^^

vTuber Kit community · Created a new topic Suggestions

hello, i'm really loving the kit it's great, some things that i would like to suggest for the future, tan lines (since people like myself really like tan lines for their characters), stuff for editing the pupils for eyes further, like gradients where i could make the top of my eye one color and the bottom another and the colors kinda blend in the middle (idk how hard that'd be), for a future arm thing since i know you're working on it, i think them holding up one (or both of) the censor bars would be funny and cute). but in any case fantastic work, i will be using this a lot, you guys are great.

art style is very nice, girl is very cute, it's been a good while since a visual novel has drawn me in with a really interesting background for our main character as well as our main love(?) interest. i'm actually excited about where this can and will go. ^^